To help you make the most of the BrainPOP Challenge, explore the following for each type of Challenge task: Learning Objectives, Implementation Strategies, and ELL and Other Modifications.

Concept Map

What is concept mapping and why is it important? ...
Tips for implementing concept mapping....

Diagram Label

Why is Labeling a Diagram an Important Skill?   Objective: Students apply their understanding of a concept by identifying parts of a diagra...
The Diagram Label Challenge task asks students to label a diagram to illustrate a concept from a BrainPOP movie.  Here are some ideas for ma...
For students who may find it challenging to label diagrams, try these strategies: Do the Challenge with students. You drag the first la...

Fill in the Sentence

What is Fill in the Sentence and Why is it Important?   Objective: Students will read with purpose, completing sentences by dragging and dr...
The Fill in the Sentence Challenge builds comprehension and strengthens vocabulary by having students use context clues and what they learne...
Fill in the Sentence Challenges offer an opportunity for ELLs and other students to apply their understanding of the new vocabulary. To supp...


What is Matching and Why is it Important?   Objective: Students will match images and/or words based on content specific criteria to assess...
The Match Challenge task invites students to evaluate, compare, and match information featured in the associated BrainPOP movie . Here are s...
For students who may find the matching task challenging, try these tips and strategies: Visual movie hunt using BrainPOP movie.  If the...

Multiple Response

What is Multiple Response and Why is it Important?   Objective: Students will understand a question stem, prompt, or conceptual rule and id...
The Multiple Response Challenge task asks students to identify multiple correct responses to a prompt or question to demonstrate their under...
For students who may find it challenging to complete the Multiple Response task,  try these tips and strategies: Model how to do the Ch...


What is Sequencing and Why is it Important?   Objective: Students will sort topic-related events or information in sequential order Sequ...
Sequence Challenges ask students to put information or events from a BrainPOP movie in order.   Here are some ideas for making the most o...
For students who find sequencing challenging, try these tips and strategies: Do the Challenge task with students. You identify the firs...

Text Highlight

What is Text Highlighting and Why is it Important?   Objective: Students will demonstrate understanding by highlighting specific text, such...
The Text Highlight Challenge task asks students to highlight specific information in a text, such as a main idea or supporting evidence. Her...
To make the Text Highlight Challenge comprehensible and accessible to all students, pre-teach relevant vocabulary. Make sure your students u...

Venn Diagram

What is a Venn Diagram and Why is it Important?   Objective: Students will use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast information and recog...
The Venn diagram Challenge task asks students to group information from a BrainPOP movie by similarities and differences. Here are some idea...
For students who may find it challenging to complete the Venn Diagram task, try these tips and strategies: Recognize academic vocabular...