What is Sequencing and Why is it Important?  

Objective: Students will sort topic-related events or information in sequential order

Sequencing refers to putting events or information in a specific order. The ability to sequence requires higher-order thinking skills, from recognizing patterns to determining cause and effect and more. Sequencing helps students understand and organize material they’ve learned as well as helps them solve problems.

Sequencing can be practiced in every grade and is relevant across the curriculum. In reading, students use sequencing to recognize how a plot unfolds from beginning to middle to end. To conduct experiments in science students practice sequencing skills to follow steps and to identify changes over time. They also use sequencing skills to place information in a certain order, such as organizing planets from closest to furthest from the sun. And, perhaps most apparent, sequence is integral to history, where recognizing the effect of past events is essential to understanding what happened after and why.


Related BrainPOP Features

BrainPOP offers several features for practicing sequence-related skills:

  • Challenges: Some Challenge tasks ask students to place events or information in sequence.
  • Time Zone X: The objective of this game is to put events in chronological order.
  • Make-a-Map (Sequence Template): This concept mapping tool includes a sequence template, or students can create their own.
  • Sequence Graphic Organizer: Printable graphic organizer for recording sequence of events or the steps in a process.
  • Writing in Sequence: This BrainPOP movie focuses on sequencing in writing.
Filed as:  3-5, 6-8, 9-12