New on BrainPOP

New Topic on BrainPOP: Relative Dating

Posted by Dana Burnell on

Do you know how old Earth is? Find out in our brand new Relative Dating topic! Join Moby and Cassie as they explore how scientists determine Earth's age through studying layers of rock. They'll also i...
New on BrainPOP

Cancer Topic Update

Posted by Dana Burnell on

We understand that cancer can be a sensitive or frightening subject for kids, especially if it has affected their lives in some way. Our updated Cancer movie is intended to alleviate that fear by deep...
New on BrainPOP

TWO New Movies: Jamestown, Parts I and II. 

Posted by Dana Burnell on

For the first time, BrainPOP has created a two-part movie! We are excited to present these two new additions to our Colonial America unit. In Jamestown, Part 1, Rita and Moby explore the beginnings of...
Resource Spotlight

Celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr.

Posted by Dana Burnell on

On January 15, 2020, the Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. would've been 91 years old. The following Monday, January 20, North America will celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, a national ...
New on BrainPOP

New Topics on BrainPOP and BrainPOP Jr.: Lunar New Year

Posted by Dana Burnell on

In celebration of the Lunar New Year, we are excited to present two new topics about this holiday! Join BrainPOP's Moby and Cassie to learn about Lunar New Year, or explore BrainPOP Jr.’s  Lunar New Y...
New on BrainPOP Jr.

What’s New at BrainPOP Jr.?

Posted by Dana Burnell on

It’s a whole new year and BrainPOP Jr is ready: Let Annie and Moby welcome your class into 2020 with two fresh new topics.  Loops  Annie and Moby discover how to use this computer programming fe...
New on Gameup

New on GameUp: Journey Through an Exploded Star

Posted by Dana Burnell on

We’re excited to announce the addition of Journey Through an Exploded Star to our collection of Smithsonian Games. This simulation is based on real-world data collected from multiple telescopes across...
New on Gameup

New on GameUp: Lakeland

Posted by Dana Burnell on

We’re proud to announce the addition of the game Lakeland from our partner Field Day Lab. Lakeland challenges students to navigate the complex relationship between farming, soil nutrition, and lake po...