In the Story Impression strategy, pairs of students write a one-paragraph story together, using new vocabulary words. The teacher designates...
In a Shared Writing activity, the students are actively engaged while you model the writing process. Using the board, chart paper, or a docu...
Below are three different ways to use sentence strips in BrainPOP ELL lessons. They all involve cognitive skills – putting items on a contin...
Say Something allows students to stop and think about what they read in a reading passage, or saw in a BrainPOP ELL movie. They may say anyt...
Roundtable is a good cooperative structure and interactive activity to practice vocabulary, grammar, or even content. Students pass a paper ...
In a Quick Write, students are given a few minutes to write down their thoughts, ideas, or feelings about a topic, a personal experience, or...
Label each section of the Pyramid Graphic Organizer with the target categories, placing them in increasing difficulty from bottom to top. At...
Word Sorts are vocabulary strategies in which students categorize the new words. In a Closed Word Sort, the categories are provided; in an O...
Students need opportunities to make connections to new vocabulary words and to use the words in authentic situations. They can make connecti...
LEA is a reading/writing activity based on a shared experience. Usually it’s about something like a field trip, but in BrainPOP ELL, it can...
In this activity, students use language and logic to describe new vocabulary words. They use higher order thinking skills and also think cre...
In a Connect Two activity, students think of any connections they want between any two of the new vocabulary words. They use the words on an...