What is Fill in the Sentence and Why is it Important?
Objective: Students will read with purpose, completing sentences by dragging and dr...
What is Text Highlighting and Why is it Important?
Objective: Students will demonstrate understanding by highlighting specific text, such...
What is Multiple Response and Why is it Important?
Objective: Students will understand a question stem, prompt, or conceptual rule and id...
What is Matching and Why is it Important?
Objective: Students will match images and/or words based on content specific criteria to assess...
Why is Labeling a Diagram an Important Skill?
Objective: Students apply their understanding of a concept by identifying parts of a diagra...
What is a Venn Diagram and Why is it Important?
Objective: Students will use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast information and recog...
What is Sequencing and Why is it Important?
Objective: Students will sort topic-related events or information in sequential order