Student Gamers Lesson Plan: Evaluating Video Games
Posted by SM Bruner on
In this Student Gamers lesson plan, which is adaptable for grades 6-12, students use BrainPOP resources to explore the role of a video game test. Students will create their own evaluations for video g...
Reading Comprehension Lesson Plan: Using Context Clues
Posted by SM Bruner on
In this lesson plan which is adaptable for grades 3-12, students will use BrainPOP resources to learn about context clues and practice using context clues as a reading comprehension strategy....

Common Core-Aligned BrainPOP and GameUp Content
Posted by SM Bruner on
Much of our BrainPOP content has been designed with the Common Core State Standards in mind. This screencast shares some examples of Common Core-aligned content that can help students achieve! Visit t...

Common Core-Aligned Lesson Plans on BrainPOP Educators
Posted by SM Bruner on
This screencast describes the BrainPOP Educators approach to aligning each of our lesson plans with the Common Core-Aligned State Standards. Be sure to visit our BrainPOP and the Common Core support p...

Using the TSN-2 Print Report Option
Posted by SM Bruner on
At the end of the TSN-2 game, students will be able to use the print feature to create a report of their work. Using the TSN-2 Print Report Option allows students either to print and submit these open...

Reach for the Sun Teaching Strategies
Posted by SM Bruner on
Use these teaching strategies to enhance your students' experience of the Reach for the Sun game: How realistic is the game's representation of being a plant? Encourage students to explore this questi...

“I Have a Dream” at 50: Teaching the Legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Posted by SM Bruner on
"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by their character." -Martin Luther King, Jr.
It was a call ...
Virtual Labs: Bacteria Sampling Lesson Plan
Posted by SM Bruner on
This lesson plan accompanies Virtual Labs: Bacteria Sampling, and is adaptable for grades 6-12. This interactive lab challenges students to test milk samples for bacterial contamination with various d...

1.1.1 Subject Pronouns Lesson Plan
Posted by Dana Burnell on
In BrainPOP ELL’s first movie, Hi, I’m Ben (L1U1L1), Ben introduces students to his friends using subject pronouns, and the verb to be and its contractions. In this subject pronouns lesson plan, adapt...

Curriculum Connections for the 2013 Presidential Medals of Freedom
Posted by SM Bruner on
Every year, the President of the United States confers Presidential Medals of Freedom on a number of highly accomplished Americans who have had profound effects on society. Yesterday, President Obama ...