Before the Movie:
What do you think you’ll learn about the solar system in this movie? (Predict)
What is something new you hop...
This page contains information to support educators and families in teaching grade K-3 students about addition and subtraction fact families...
Before the Movie:
What have you heard about the Lunar New Year?
What New Year traditions does your family have?
Before the Movie
What do you know about snowflakes and how they form? (Tap prior knowledge)
What is something new you hope to learn abou...
This page provides information to support educators and families when teaching K-3 students about the Lunar New Year. It is designed to comp...
Before the Movie:
What makes Saturn unique?
What do you want to know about Saturn?
During the Movie (Pause Points...
Before the Movie
Have you read A Wrinkle in Time? If yes, what did you think about it? If no, what type of book do you think it might be ba...
Before the Movie:
What do you know about Mars?
Why do you think humans have always been fascinated by Mars?
Before the Movie:
What kinds of birds do you see where you live?
What do you hope to learn about birds??
During the...
Before the Movie:
Where have you seen fireworks? Describe what they were like.
What do you hope to learn about fireworks?
Before the Movie
What do you think the Wounded Knee Massacre may have been about? (Tap prior knowledge)
What do you want to know about W...
Before the Movie:
What do you know about Benjamin Franklin? What is he famous for inventing? (Tap prior knowledge)
What else is Frank...