Before the Movie
What do you think happens at the United Nations?
What do you want to know about the United Nations?
Before the Movie
What do you know about media literacy?
What do you want to know about media literacy?
During the Movie (Pause...
Before the Movie
When might a writer use a hyphen or a dash?
What do you think the difference is between a hyphen and a dash?...
Before the Movie
What do you know about the American Revolution?
What do you want to know about the American Revolution?
Before the Movie
What do you know about American Indians?
During the Movie (Pause Points)
Stop at the follo...
Before the Movie
What do you know about ancient civilizations?
What do you hope to learn about the Maya civilization?
Before the Movie
What happens to leaves in the fall? Why do you think this happens?
During the Movie (Pause Points)
Before the Movie
How does your family celebrate the New Year? (Tap prior knowledge; Make connections)
During the Movie (Pause Points)...
This page contains information to support educators and families in teaching grade K-3 students about the Thanksgiving holiday. It is design...
Before the Movie
What is a three dimensional object? Why might you need to measure such an object?
During the Movie (Pause Point...
Before the Movie
Why do you think it’s important to keep your personal information private? (Make predictions)
During the Mov...
Before the Movie
What is meant by the American Frontier? (Tap prior knowledge)
What do you know about Western Expansion? (Tap prior k...