Grade Levels: 3-5, 6-8

 *Click to open and customize your own copy of the Loops Lesson Plan

This lesson accompanies the BrainPOP topic Loops, and supports the standard of developing algorithms that use loops to solve a problem. Students demonstrate understanding through a variety of  projects.


Display a gif showing a real life loop, like the dance in this link

Ask students:

  • What comes to mind when you think of a loop, like the one pictured here? 
  • What are some other examples of things that loop?  


  • Read aloud the description on the Loops topic page.
  • Play the Movie, pausing to check for understanding.
  • Assign Related Reading. Have students read one of the following articles: “Theory” or “In Practice.” Partner them with someone who read a different article to share what they learned with each other.

Step 3: APPLY and ASSESS 

Assign Loops Quiz, prompting students to apply essential literacy skills while demonstrating what they learned about this topic.


Students express what they learned about loops while practicing essential literacy skills with one or more of the following activities. Differentiate by assigning ones that meet individual student needs.

  • Make-a-Movie: Create a tutorial describing a computer programming situation when you would need to code a loop, and explaining how to do it. 
  • Make-a-Map: Make a concept map comparing and contrasting finite and infinite loops. Identify examples of each. 
  • Creative Coding: Use loops to code a scrolling headline for a newscast. 

More to Explore

Blockly: Maze: Build a simple computer application by programming “tag” blocks to reach your target.

Run Marco!: Practice coding skills in this interactive game.

Teacher Support Resources:

Lesson Plan Common Core State Standards Alignments