Program Format
To become certified, the candidate will
Attend a live BrainPOP workshop led by the BrainPOP Educators team.
Complete all 6 assignments (listed on your left) and submit them for...
This map assignment is different from the mapping you did during the workshop. This is a media deconstruction exercise designed to help you dive deeply into 1 BrainPOP topic movie and identify 7 struc...
(45 minutes game-play & thoughtful SnapThought® reflection)
The SnapThought® tool allows students to take up to 5 snapshots from game play and write a short "thought" about each one. Students can...
Two parts, approximately 30 minutes each
This “open book” quiz is designed to guide you through resources available on BrainPOP Educators. You will explore various locations on the site and review ...
BrainPOP’s Creative Coding provides a platform to create content specific coding projects. These projects allows students to “show what they know,” while also learning and practicing important computa...
BrainPOP's "Make-a-Movie" (MaMO) tool provides the ability to create a BrainPOP Style movie. The Make-a-Movie tool fully transforms BrainPOP from a consumption to a production platform. There are no s...
(Time will vary)
Since time and attention are a precious resource, this assignment has you think through time management for using BrainPOP’s new tools and resources in your teaching practice. Man...