Teaching with Digital Simulations

The Educator’s Guide to Teaching with Digital Simulations

Posted by SM Bruner on

All games are not created equal, and many resources that are commonly referred to as games are actually digital simulations or interactive models. The difference isn't just a matter of semantics: e...
Virtual Labs on GameUp

2 New Virtual Labs are Now on GameUp

Posted by SM Bruner on

Virtual labs are the perfect way to prepare students for using a real science lab, and they're a terrific alternative when you aren't able to provide as many hands-on investigations as you'd like. ...

Apply to join the Certified BrainPOP Educator Program

Posted by SM Bruner on

Are you a huge fan of BrainPOP resources? Do you tell all your colleagues and teacher friends about how you use BrainPOP in your classroom? Are you passionate about finding new and innovative wa...

BrainPOP Curriculum Connections for September

Posted by SM Bruner on

There are lots of important historical events in September. Let our curriculum connection guide below help you make the most of your BrainPOP subscription this month: September 1: Germany invaded P...

Cast Your Vote for the #SXSWedu‬ 2016 Line-Up

Posted by SM Bruner on

The SXSWedu and Interactive 2016 Panel Picker is live! This is your chance to help shape programming at the SXSWedu conference, taking place March 7-10 in Austin, Texas. Check out these sessions by...

10 Ways Game-Based Learning Can Enhance Your Curriculum

Posted by SM Bruner on

Have you been wanting to try out game-based learning in your classroom? Here are ten ways games can enhance your curriculum and help students meet standards: 1. Make repetition more engaging (and e...

August Curriculum Connections + Spotlights

Posted by SM Bruner on

As you start preparing for back-to-school this month, keep this list of BrainPOP movies handy! You'll find curriculum tie-ins for all kinds of important August dates in history. Check our online Curri...

Learning With Games at #GLS11

Posted by SM Bruner on

BrainPOP staffer Allison Mishkin recently attended the GLS conference and is sharing the learning with us here on the blog today. Thanks, Allison! The 11th annual Games+Learning+Society Conference ...

3D Robots: How This Teacher Introduced 3D Printing to Her Students

Posted by SM Bruner on

Have you been thinking about ways to have students explore 3D printing in your classroom, but haven't been sure how to introduce the concept? Educators at BrainPOP were thrilled when we discovered ...
End-of-Year Review!

Check out BrainPOP’s top 15 free on-demand archived PD webinars this summer!

Posted by SM Bruner on

Looking for some top notch online professional development during your summer break? You can access all of our webinars from one place! Our archives make it easy to find and stream helpful resources a...