Apply to join the Certified BrainPOP Educator Program
Posted by SM Bruner on
Are you a huge fan of BrainPOP resources?
Do you tell all your colleagues and teacher friends about how you use BrainPOP in your classroom?
Are you passionate about finding new and innovative ways to challenge your students using BrainPOP?
Would you love to learn about new BrainPOP features in advance and provide your input on their development?
If so, you might be a good candidate for our Certified BrainPOP Educator program!
The Certified BrainPOP Educator program (CBE) is a free certification program for teachers who demonstrate an exemplary commitment to BrainPOP and creativity using our resources. Applications are now being accepted for our 2015-2016 certification courses, starting as soon as October!
We turn to CBEs for their expertise and perspectives. Once certified, you’ll have the opportunity to explore products in our pipeline, beta test new features, and advise our developers.
Registration is open for in-person CBE sessions at the following conferences:
TCEA – Austin, TX on October 3rd
MassCUE – Foxborough, MA on October 22nd
NYSCATE – Rochester, NY on November 22nd
LACUE – New Orleans, LA on December 7th
FETC – Orlando, FL in January 2016
TCEA – Austin, TX in January 2016
Submit your application today or stay tuned for details on additional upcoming trainings!