Click Creative Coding sample projects to see examples for inspiration!...
Idea for incorporating Make-a-Movie across the curriculum...
This Teachley blog post offers extension activities for your students to do after they play Teachley Add and Subtract on GameUp....
A rekenrek is a set of 20 beads organized in two rows of ten. Read Teachley's blog to find out how your students can use this simple manipul...
Use these questions to help students reflect on their learning around art and music topics (both during and after the Time Zone X game) and ...
Use these questions to help students reflect on their learning related to health topics (both during and after Time Zone X game play) and ex...
Use these questions to help students reflect on their learning related to social studies topics (both during and after Time Zone X game play...
Use these questions to help students reflect on their learning around science topics (both during and after the Time Zone X game) and expand...
Challenge students to create their own version of the game with a partner! Have students write (or copy) their own stories or paragraphs and...
Students benefit most from Game Over Gopher game play when they are provided multiple opportunities to explore the game. Try to provide at l...
Game Learning Society (GLS) has provided 5 additional lesson plans for the Citizen Science game. Visit their site to view and download the f...