Have your students signed up for individual accounts? If you have a school-wide subscription to BrainPOP, students will be able to use our S...
In WaterWays, students meet a scientist, track a shark, and learn how water and land are linked. Explore support for teaching with...
An interactive tutorial for finding and using Challenge...
Pause Points scaffold key concepts and skills aligned to grade-level standards.
BrainPOP's unique SnapThought® tool is fundamentally changing the game play experience on GameUp...
Tips from a teacher on using informational texts
High-interest texts deepen and extend understanding of concepts
Examine, analyze, and interpret primary sources...
Creative tips for using Word Play....
Strategies for using concept mapping with English language learners...
Tips for using Make-a-Map on BrainPOP ELL...
These family and homeschool activities are designed to complement the Author’s Purpose topic on BrainPOP Jr.
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