News and Updates
Building Fluency with Math Games on GameUp!
September 9, 2015
The first few weeks of school are spent reviewing those skills and concepts students learned the previous year, but may not have practiced o... BrainPOP Curriculum Connections for September
September 6, 2015
There are lots of important historical events in September. Let our curriculum connection guide below help you make the most of your BrainPO... Onboard Your Entire School to My BrainPOP!
September 1, 2015
For teachers who are part of a school-wide subscription, My BrainPOP provides the ability to track learning and provide students with feedba... September 3rd Twitter Chat: Follow #BPOPchat & Weigh In on Students as Creators | BrainPOP Educators
August 28, 2015
We're gearing up for the next BrainPOP Twitter chat! Join us on Thursday, September 3rd at 7:00 PM EST as POPstars and the BrainPOP Educator... Reminder: Cast Your Votes for the SXSWedu Line-Up
August 24, 2015
Which sessions would YOU like to see on the official 2016 SXSWedu and SXSW Interactive line-ups? The Panel Picker for both events closes thi... Getting Ready for Back-To-School!
August 19, 2015
Summer is slowly coming to a close, which means that it's almost time for back-to-school! Check out highlights from our most recent (August ... Cast Your Vote for the #SXSWedu 2016 Line-Up
August 14, 2015
The SXSWedu and Interactive 2016 Panel Picker is live! This is your chance to help shape programming at the SXSWedu conference, taking place... 10 Ways Game-Based Learning Can Enhance Your Curriculum
August 6, 2015
Have you been wanting to try out game-based learning in your classroom? Here are ten ways games can enhance your curriculum and help student... BrainPOP’s Weekly Webinar Series Returns This Month!
August 3, 2015
We're heading back-to-school with our weekly webinar series this Wednesday, August 5th at 4:00 PM ET! Join us for a free, hour-long webinar ... August Curriculum Connections + Spotlights
August 3, 2015
As you start preparing for back-to-school this month, keep this list of BrainPOP movies handy! You'll find curriculum tie-ins for all kinds ...