Building Fluency with Math Games on GameUp!
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
The first few weeks of school are spent reviewing those skills and concepts students learned the previous year, but may not have practiced over the summer. Math skills are often among those “forgotten concepts,” and it’s not always easy to spark kids’ memory. But GameUp titles like Addition Blocks and Multiplication Blocks are a creative way to revisit and enhance fluency, further preparing students to begin developing higher-order math skills. The games feature 3 levels of difficulty and 4 different modes of play, including a new “timed” mode that gives teachers the ability to set a time limit for gameplay – making the game more lesson plan-friendly and ideal for whole-class practice. Both titles are also SnapThought™ enabled giving teachers the ability to prompt students to take snapshots of their gameplay and comment on their strategies. Not sure how to work these games into your curriculum? Visit the Lesson Ideas pages for Addition Blocks or Multiplication Blocks where you can find lesson plans, discussion prompts, and assessment ideas for using these games with students.