Grade Levels: 3-5, 6-8

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This lesson accompanies the BrainPOP topic Paralympic Games, and supports the standard of understanding the historical importance and social impact of this international cultural event. Students demonstrate understanding through a variety of creative projects.


Prompt students to reflect on a time they achieved a goal. Ask students:

  • Describe a time you achieved a challenging personal goal. What steps did you take to accomplish it?


Step 3: APPLY 

Students express their understanding through one or more of the following activities, which also address essential literacy skills. They can work individually or collaborate.

  • Make-a-Movie: Produce a movie about the history of the Paralympic Games. Include details about how the games originated and their significance today. (Essential Literacy Skill: Determine central ideas and summarize key details)
  • Make-a-Map: Make a concept map identifying and explaining the role of team, athletic training, medals, and sports in the Paralympic Games. (Essential  Literacy Skill: Cite specific evidence to support conclusions drawn)
  • Creative Coding: Code a digital museum exhibit featuring symbols and athletes from the history of the Paralympic Games. (Essential Skill: Determine central ideas and summarize key details)


Reflect: Students reflect on what they’ve learned about the Olympics. Prompt them by asking questions such as: 

  • What is the definition of the Greek word ‘para’? How does this relate to the Paralympic Games?
  • How are the modern Paralympic Games different from the original Games?
  • What can we learn from Paralympic athletes?

Assess: Wrap up the lesson with the Paralympic Games Quiz

Step 5:  Extend Learning

Continue to build understanding around traditions and events with BrainPOP’s Culture unit

Additional Support Resources:

Lesson Plan Common Core State Standards Alignments