English Games (ELA) and The Sports Network 2!
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
BrainPOP is thrilled to introduce a new category of free English Language Arts (ELA) games! When you visit the main GameUp page, you’ll now see an “English Games” button which takes you to our growing collection of online games that target a wide range of literacy skills.
We’re also excited to announce the addition of Classroom, Inc.’s The Sports Network 2 (TSN-2) to our English GameUp offerings. The result of a 2011 Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC), TSN-2 can easily be adapted for use with students in grades 5-9, but is designed to assess students’ proficiency in key grade 8 Common Core State Standards in Reading Informational Text. We love the way TSN-2 uses challenging tasks within a virtual workplace to address each of its target standards multiple times.
Last spring, Classroom, Inc. piloted TSN-2 in eight schools in NYC and Chicago. Analysis of student data gathered through Classroom Inc’s Teacher Dashboard showed strong correlations between students’ scores on the TSN-2 embedded assessments and MAP reading scores—compelling evidence that TSN-2 is a valid predictor of student performance on standardized grade level reading tests. Pilot teachers were enthusiastic about how TSN-2 provides effective CCSS practice and assessment, and students were eager gamers.
“This game addressed the Common Core more than anything I’m doing at this time . . . If I could bring it into this building in every room, I would.”
—8th Grade Teacher, Chicago
“I didn’t know it was going to be that good when I started playing it, so I just wanted to keep doing it, and now I might be able to use all that stuff when I become a business manager.” —8th Grader, Chicago
BrainPOP’s GameUp features a segment of TSN-2’s Quest 4 which focuses particularly on CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.8.2.
You can check out our lesson plan as you consider how to integrate the game into instruction, or view the TSN-2 Teacher Guide for complete information on the full game and its built-in Teacher Dashboard providing real-time data on students and class progress. Also be sure to visit our BrainPOP and the Common Core support page for more information.
Classroom, Inc. Since its inception 20 years ago Classroom, Inc. (CI) has served more than 700,000 high-need adolescents living in poverty and at risk of educational failure. It helps close the academic achievement gap for low-income adolescents by using technology and the world of work to engage, teach, and inspire. CI learning programs combine simulations with project-based learning to develop reading, critical thinking, complex problem solving and collaborative learning skills while fostering workplace readiness. Learn more at www.classroominc.org.
We’ve got other great additions to the new English section of GameUp, as well. You’ll find Quandary, a game which integrates ELA and critical thinking skills as students learn how to recognize ethical issues and deal with challenging situations through shaping a fictional new society. Other ELA games include Lord of the Flies, which is based on William Golding’s famous novel; Search Shark, a game which challenges students to practice their digital literacy and internet research skills; and Argument Wars, which guides students to test out their persuasive abilities by arguing real Supreme Court cases.
We’d love to hear about other free online games that you use to improve students’ reading and writing skills. Please share your suggestions in the comments!