Monster School Bus Game Tips and Tricks
Unlocking All Levels
On the level select screen, you can press the Shift and C keys simultaneously to unlock all the levels in the game. You want students to use this feature in order to jump ahead and practice more advanced math concepts.
Skipping the Intro Tutorial
After students have watched the game introduction, you can show them how to use the “Skip” button in the top righthand corner to move past the intro during subsequent game sessions.
Saving Game Progress
Let students know that after they beat the first level of the game, their progress will be saved on that computer. If they start a new game, it will go through the tutorial again. If they continue the saved game, it will skip the tutorial.
Supporting Students Who Need Practice with Grouping
Monster School Bus is a game that allows students to visualize grouping, specifically in groups of ten (and one with decimals.) We recommend that any student who has the slightest trouble with grouping and conceptualizing groups play this game. Point out to students the various visual representations of grouping shown in the game. How many other ways can they think of to show a number?