Grade Levels: 2-3

These family and homeschool activities are designed to complement the Harriet Tubman topic on BrainPOP Jr.

Underground Railroad Map
Together with your child, research different routes along the Underground Railroad. Look at a map together and trace the distances along the routes. How far did slaves travel? How long did it take them? Where did they sleep and what did they eat? If you live along one of the routes, visit one of the stations together.

It is important for children to have role models that inspire them. Harriet Tubman is only one of countless extraordinary people that risked their lives to accomplish great deeds. Have your child think of his or her favorite heroes, real or imaginary. They can be figures in history or characters in books and movies. Encourage our child to make a character trait chart and list all of the qualities that make his or her hero great.

Follow the Stars
Slaves escaping on the Underground Railroad could use the stars to help them navigate. The North Star, or Polaris, was used to find north. Help your children identify the Big and Little Dippers. The North Star is the star at the end of the “handle” of the Little Dipper. Have your child imagine what it would be like to travel by the stars. Would it be harder or easier on a moonless night? What other ways can they determine north, south, east, and west?