
New on GameUp: Teachley Mt. Multiplis
Posted by jglassman on
Your students will love Mt. Multiplis, the latest game from our partner Teachley, an award-winning educational technology company made up of experienced teachers. In this game, players earn gems by us...

New coding game: Run Marco!
Posted by SM Bruner on
This week is National Computer Science Education Week, and we have a great new resource to help your students participate in the Hour of Code movement.
Run Marco! introduces students to programming...

Mission US: City of Immigrants is now on GameUp
Posted by SM Bruner on
We're proud to announce the addition of City of Immigrants to our growing collection of wonderful Mission US games. These games immerse students in U.S. history through interactive role-playing experi...

Visual Information is a Fundamental Element in Learning
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This case study, presented by The MirandaNet Fellowship, investigates whether the growing use of BrainPOP videos, gaming and quizzes enriches student learning and, if so, what can be done to improve t...

How to Play Time Zone X
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This screencast provides an overview of the learning objectives and mechanics for playing the GameUP game Time Zone X.

The Educator’s Guide to Teaching with Digital Simulations
Posted by SM Bruner on
All games are not created equal, and many resources that are commonly referred to as games are actually digital simulations or interactive models.
The difference isn't just a matter of semantics: e...

How to Play Sortify
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This screencast provides a brief overview of the GameUp game Sortify....

Using SnapThought®
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This screencast provides a brief overview of the SnapThought® tool....

2 New Virtual Labs are Now on GameUp
Posted by SM Bruner on
Virtual labs are the perfect way to prepare students for using a real science lab, and they're a terrific alternative when you aren't able to provide as many hands-on investigations as you'd like.

Building Fluency with Math Games on GameUp!
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
The first few weeks of school are spent reviewing those skills and concepts students learned the previous year, but may not have practiced over the summer. Math skills are often among those “forgotten...