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BrainPOP Units: Sports and Fitness
Lesson Ideas
Sports and Fitness
Health, Fitness, and Nutrition Lesson Plan: Create a PSA to Fight Obesity
Grade Levels: 3-5, 6-8, 9-12
Fitness Lesson Plan: Create a Public Service Announcement About Exercise!
Grade Levels: K-3
Most Recent
Lesson Plans
Ancient Hawaii Lesson Plan: Human-Environment Interaction: Place, Regions, and Culture
*Click to open and customize your own copy of the Ancient Ha...
Reptiles Lesson Plan: Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity
*Click to open and customize your own copy of the Reptiles L...
Coordinate Plane Word Problems Lesson Plan: Geometry
*Click to open and customize your own copy of the Coordinate...
Lesson Planning
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Academic Standards
Learning Activities Support Resources
School to Home Connection
Implementation Ideas
Note Taking With BrainPOP
See how a 4th grade class uses BrainPOP movies and activity ...