The Digital Education Show Asia – BrainPOP is Heading to Malaysia!
Posted by cemignano on
The Digital Education Show Asia, co-organized by Terrapinn and MDeC, and supported by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education Malaysia, is a two day conference focusing on how educators can engage students with learning technologies. On May 27 and 28, educators from all over the world will be attending this conference in search of more effective ways to incorporate technology into their teaching. The only event of its kind in Malaysia, the Digital Education Show Asia will bring together an abundance of presenters and attendees from corporations, ministries, and schools. Included among the list of engaging presenters is BrainPOP’s Vice President of Learning and Innovation, Dr. Kari Stubbs, who is sure to deliver an inspiring session.
Heading to the conference? Be sure to catch Kari’s keynote, Shifting Paradigms for Teaching and Learning, on May 27 at 2:30. Kari will be discussing student engagement and meaningful learning, and will focus on the role of technology in the new learning ecosystem. She’ll also cover systemic change and the power of common vocabulary with regard to technology in education.
Follow along with the action via #digitaledu, @EducationInAsia, and @karistubbs.