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What’s New at BrainPOP: February Recap

Posted by jglassman on

February is the shortest month, but there’s no shortage of new movies and more at BrainPOP!


Coronavirus NEW

We hope to ease students’ minds by sharing the facts about the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) with this free movie. See the accompanying lesson plan for guidance and ideas.

Relative Dating NEW

Dig deep to learn how scientists use relative dating of rock layers to determine Earth’s age.

U.S. Constitution UPDATE

What adapts to changing times while holding its core principles? The U.S. Constitution! Watch this update movie to learn about this living document that lays out the basic rules of a democracy.  

Research UPDATE

Tim and Moby share tips for making research interesting rather than overwhelming.  


Learn about this disease that affects millions of lives, as well as the latest advances in treatments.  



Black History Month

BrainPOP and BrainPOP Jr. offer a deep and diverse collection of resources to help your class learn about and celebrate the achievements of African Americans during Black History month AND all year long.

Coding for Everyone!

From critical thinking to perseverance, coding develops countless skills. For that reason, we are now including Creative Coding with all school subscriptions. BrainPOP’s coding projects, embedded in every topic across the curriculum, makes it simple and approachable for teachers to weave computational thinking into any lesson. Take a peek at student samples to see first hand  the power of coding in the classroom.

CBE of the Month

Meet February’s CBE of the Month, Melissa Dills, a technology integration specialist who works with both teachers and students. Read how Melissa leveraged BrainPOP’s PD resources to support the teachers at her school.