Using Assignment Builder to Connect with Families
Posted by jglassman on
Looking for fun and easy way to extend learning at home? BrainPOP’s got you covered! We offer free access at home to BrainPOP’s award-winning content for hundreds of topics. All families need to do is log in! For help with this, see our blog post Don’t Keep BrainPOP a Secret!
BrainPOP’s Assignment Builder tool offers a perfect way to seamlessly connect families with the topics their children are exploring in school. To access the Assignment Builder, just log in with your My BrainPOP educator account, navigate to the topic you’re focusing on in school, and click the ASSIGN button. Simply select the movies you want to share. At home, families explore the assignments together. It’s that easy!
Once families are comfortable with accessing the movies, you can start assigning other features, too, such as games, Make-a-Movie, quizzes, etc. Planning a field trip? Assign topics related to the upcoming trip. Expecting a blizzard or hurricane in your area? Use the Assignment Builder to learn all about it. The possibilities are endless!
For more help with this tool, review the Help Center’s Assignment Builder article.