Don’t Keep BrainPOP a Secret!
Posted by jglassman on
Back-to-school is a perfect time to remind parents and caregivers that with your school’s subscription, they have FREE access at home to BrainPOP’s award-winning content for hundreds of topics.
BrainPOP makes it easy for families to explore interests together–watching movies, playing learning games, challenging themselves to quizzes, and even making their own BrainPOP-style movies–all from the comfort of their homes. We encourage you to set up individual My BrainPOP accounts to make logging in at home a snap for them.
To help families log in, we’re providing the following materials for you to print out and share in welcome packets and/or to send home in students’ backpacks. Fill in students’ usernames and passwords, or have them do it:
- Login Bookmarks: BrainPOP & BrainPOP Jr.
- Login Cards: BrainPOP & BrainPOP Jr. (use avery business card templates)
- Letter to Families:
For schools with Google Classroom, use Letter to Family (Google Log in) and Letter to Family (Google Login)–Spanish version.
For schools without Google Classroom, use Letter to Family and Letter to Family–Spanish version.
Earlier this year, we launched BrainPOP At Home. Share this link with families and invite them to sign up to receive monthly ideas for how best to use BrainPOP to extend what’s happening at school. This month is all about going back to school–from starting a new school to making friends and a whole lot more!
Share your ideas for using BrainPOP at home in the comments field below or by contacting us directly. And, remember… don’t keep BrainPOP a secret!