New on GameUp: Water, Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle Games
Posted by jglassman on
BrainPOP is excited to present three brand new games, from our partner Field Day Lab, featuring the water, carbon, and nitrogen cycles!
The Water Cycle Game challenges students to move their water molecules from the ocean to the sky and back again as they explore how water changes form to move through its cycle.
In the Carbon Cycle Game, students discover how carbon moves through the environment from water to sky to land.
Students control nitrogen and move it from plants to deer to clouds in the Nitrogen Cycle Game.
All three games use a game board format that challenge players to be strategic as they move their pieces towards a goal zone and their opponent’s pieces away.
For My BrainPOP users, the game comes with the SnapThought® tool, enabling students to write about their thinking while they play. For more tips and ideas on using SnapThought in your classroom, explore the Lesson Idea pages for each game..
Looking for more interactive science fun? Online now in GameUp are Wave Combinator and Wind Simulator from Field Day Lab. And, keep an eye out for these upcoming games from our partner:
Hot Air Balloon
Magnet Hunt