New on BrainPOP, Theme, Star Wars and the Force!
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
Awaken the Force even before your students see the imminent “Star Wars” flick! BrainPOP’s newest topic – timed to coincide with the big opening – epitomizes our ongoing efforts to present curricular topics in a way that’s relatable to kids. In it, characters from the cinematic saga help explain the concept of Theme and the way it can infuse a story with depth and universal meaning. Delving into plot, setting, dialogue, and characterization, our Theme topic depicts Yoda and Jar Jar reenacting the fable of the tortoise and the hare while “Moby-Wan” teaches Tim/Luke about the mysterious ways of the Force. Show “Theme” today, encourage kids to think about its lessons when they watch “Star Wars,” and ultimately add another dimension to their movie-going and book-reading experiences.