School Makerspace Resources for #nationofmakers
Posted by SM Bruner on
It’s the national #weekofmaking and we’re excited to share ideas that help you support students in becoming builders, creators, designers, and problem solvers.
You can use the comprehensive listings on the Makerfaire.com site to find a Maker Faire happening in your area. Once you’ve experienced makerspaces for yourself, start planning to share what you’ve learned and introduce makerspaces to students!
Here are some cool things teachers are doing with the maker movement in their classrooms:
- WeAreTeachers shares the basic components of a classroom makerspace
- Stephanie and Shawn Grimes compiled a huge list of supply lists and makerspace project ideas
- Edudemic provides simple suggestions (with photos and videos!) for turning any classroom into a makerspace
- Diana Rendina created a SlideShare with examples of Legos, MaKey MaKey, and other resources used in classroom makerspaces
- EdTech UnZipped developed a fantastic kindergarten unit that incorporates 3D printing and engineering standards utilizing BrainPOP’s 3D Printing resources
- Mrs. Ruoff’s class in Idaho made 3D Mobys and tried out lots of other cool maker projects
Be sure to check out BrainPOP’s own special STEM Spotlight, which we’ve made free through the end of the summer. It features relevant topics like 3D Printing, Computer Programming, Logic Gates, Robots, Gears, and more, plus direct access to science, math, and engineering and tech titles on GameUp, our learning games portal.