Teacher demonstrating to students around a table how to play a board game.

From Theory to Practice to Evaluation: Game-Based Learning in Action

Posted by Steve Ji on

These 5 articles help demonstrate just some of the many beneficial values of game-based learning.

Five Video Games Your Middle Schooler Should Be Playing (Plus a Bonus One)

Screenshot of one level of DragonboxIn this article, game designer Liza Stark from the Institute of Play shares her reasons for why games are great tools for learning and provides a quick list of well-designed educational games.


Quest Learning in Action from Institute of Play

students playing board gameWatch as Alicia Iannucci’s Quest to Learn 6th grade students play a game called Caterpillar, designed to teach students about the probability and statistics of rolling two 6-sided dice. This is a board game that can provide a constant challenge for all students while maintaining high engagement.


Game-Based Learning in Practice

classroom with students and shows the number of players in Socratic SmackdownMatthew Farber’s shares his “transformative” experience when he brings games like Socratic Smackdown into his 6th grade social studies classroom.


Let the Games Begin: Students and Teachers Dive Into SimCityEDU

Let the Games Begin: Students and Teachers Dive Into SimCityEDU

This article further examines SimCityEDU, an “off-the-shelf” game repartitioned for its educational use in teaching systems thinking and perhaps even more.


Ways to Evaluate Educational Apps

rubric to evaluate apps for learning

Tony Vincent goes over ways to help teachers evaluate which educational apps are best for their students.