Inquiry Based Exploration with TechChef Lisa Johnson
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
TechChef Lisa Johnson shared about inquiry based learning and documenting student work in the BrainPOP booth at ISTE 2013. Check out her “Thinklink” and do some “inquiry based” exploration yourself!
Those of you who are teachers will know that it is hard to not wear your teacher hat when you have your mommy apron on. As a parent of a now first-grade student, I want to provide learning opportunities, foster creativity and inquiry, and find some way to archive the learning experiences. As a child’s audio and video speaks (pun intended) so much more than an image alone, I find it a perfect medium for archiving student work.
It all began with his interest in presidents and planets. BrainPOP JR provides excellent videos to support these interests which fill in the foundational information and knowledge on these topics in an engaging manner.
From there, this Thinglink will showcase how apps can expand and extend these inquiries.
For more information, be sure to check out the techchef’s website at: http://www.techchef4u.com/
Also the “Student-Created Books in the iClassroom” iTunes U course is now available!