Wanna be Heard? Join the Speak Up National Research Project.
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
BrainPOP and Project Tomorrow invite all schools and districts to participate in the 9th annual Speak Up National Research Project. Speak Up provides a quick and easy way for your students, parents, teachers, librarians and administrators to have a voice in local, state and national discussions about emerging technologies in education.
Plus, every participating school and district gets back their own stakeholder data from the online surveys to use for grant writing, ed tech plans, budgets, professional development and community engagement. No need to create your own surveys – Speak Up does all the work for you! Just register your school or district at http://www.speakup4schools.org/speakup2011/, pick a password and promote the survey link to your community.
Since 2003, over 2.2 million education stakeholders from over 30,000 schools have participated in Speak Up. It is more important today than ever that your voice is heard by policymakers – and that you have the authentic, unfiltered feedback from your students, parents and staff you need to make good decisions and investments. Be part of this year’s Speak Up movement!
Project Tomorrow is a national education nonprofit organization dedicated to improving science, math and technology education in our schools. Learn more @ www.tomorrow.org.