This screencast shows how "write it" feature guides students to practice writing with new grammar and vocabulary introduced in a BrainPOP EL...
This screencast shows how "Hear it Say it" allows students to record and playback their voice to practice pronunciation and conver...
This screencast provides an overview of the Movie feature in Korean....
This screencast provides an overview of how to login to BrainPOP Ell in Korean....
Active viewing strategies make movie watching a participatory and interactive lesson. In this tutorial, veteran teacher Robert Miller demon...
BrainPOP offers over 850 topics on subjects across the curriculum! Watch this short tutorial to discover how our movies and accompanying res...
Distance learning is quickly becoming a reality for millions of students as schools around the world closed temporarily due to the coronavir...
Mr. Davis, a kindergarten teacher at Ball’s Bluff Elementary school in Leesburg, VA, uses simple ‘unplugged’ activities to get his class exc...
Rebecca Gratz, an instructional facilitator of computer science in Virginia, demonstrates how she uses BrainPOP's Creative Coding to reinfor...
This updated trailer features a quick overview in Spanish of Win the White House, an iCivics game that teaches about the challenges of runni...
This updated trailer features a quick overview of Win the White House, an iCivics game that teaches about the challenges of running for offi...
Certified BrainPOP Educators Rebecca Gratz and Julie Kuzma tour BrainPOP HQ in NYC to explore how computer science is used in the real world...