Do your students have individual accounts? If you have a school-wide BrainPOP subscription, students will be able to use our SnapThought ® tool to play the game Branches of Power

SnapThought allows students to capture meaningful moments in their game play with opportunities for brief written reflection. Once students are logged in, the SnapThought tool will appear below any games that offer this capability.

During game play, students can click the SnapThought tool up to five times. A thumbnail, or “snapshot” is generated and stored on the bottom left of the screen.  At any point in the game, students can click their snapshot(s), type a brief reflection, which may be a response to an open-ended prompt, and save or submit to the teacher’s account for you to review and respond to.

You can use the SnapThought tool to facilitate discussion around game play and strategies, or have students submit their snapshots to you for assessment or accountability. Here are a few prompts for using the SnapThought tool in the game Branches of Power:

Executive Branch Snapshots

  • Take a snapshot of the issues you select as your main agenda. Explain why this issue is most important to you.
  • Take a snapshot after you’ve signed a bill into law or vetoed it. Explain why you took that action. 

Legislative Branch Snapshots

  • Which representative did you choose to share their thoughts on a bill?  Take a snapshot and state why did you choose that person?  
  • Snapshot the clauses you chose to include in the bill. Why did you choose them?  

Judicial Branch Snapshot

  • Take a snapshot of one of your rulings. Why did you determine that it was or wasn’t constitutional?