
BrainPOP Educators August Webinars
Posted by cemignano on
Our August webinar schedule is action-packed to get you ready to head back to school! From overviews to onboarding, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to kick off the school-year in Br...

Join us for live BrainPOP! – March 2016
Posted by on
Hiya folks! Welcome in the new month by checking out this our March 2016 Twitter Chat and webinar selection!
#BPOPchat: Our Monthly Twitter Chat
Thursday, March 3rd at 7 pm ET
Ideal For: All User...

National STEM Game Challenge Winner Announced!
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
Today BrainPOP congratulates the 28 winners of this year's National STEM Game Challenge! With over 3,700 entries from students in grades 5-12, competition was fierce for over $80,000 in prizes. We are...
GameUp Screencast
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
Here's a GameUP screencast with an overview of everything GameUp has to offer. Join Angela from BrainPOP for a clear and concise screencast. Then get started right away!
[youtube http://www...