Classroom Organization
Classroom Activities: Reading Nonfiction
Posted by SM Bruner on
These classroom activities are designed to complement the Reading Nonfiction topic on BrainPOP Jr.
Parts of a Book
Remind students that nonfiction is writing shares facts and information. Then ha...

Creating Classes for My BrainPOP
Posted by cemignano on
This printable guide provides step-by-step instructions for creating classes for My BrainPOP....

Scientific Method Graphic Organizer
Posted by allisyn on
Use this scientific method graphic organizer to take notes about the different steps in the scientific method....

FQR – Facts, Questions, Responses
Posted by allisyn on
This FQR graphic organizer will help students in organizing their thoughts while reading independently. It includes three separate areas for students to record facts, questions, and responses about wh...

Demo Observations
Posted by on
This Demo Observations graphic organizer is a useful tool to guide students in thinking deeply and to record their scientific observations. Using this graphic organizer, students follow along during a...