Best Practices

#Edtechbridge – Connecting Teachers and Entrepreneurs Through Twitter – Wednesdays at 6PM ET
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
There is a lot of buzz about teachers and EdTech entrepreneurs working together to build great tools for students and schools, but it still can be a struggle to figure out how exactly to collaborate. ...

Assessment Strategies and Teacher Resources for Employee Cafeteria
Posted by SM Bruner on
The screencast outlines the teacher resources and assessment strategies for using the "Lure of the Labyrinth Employee Cafeteria" math game on BrainPOP's GameUp. How are you using this game for assess...

Teaching with Games
Posted by Laura Gatto on
Teaching with games "allows me to hit multiple learning styles in the same lesson in a much easier way than the normal classroom environment." ~David McG, from Best Practices for Using Games & Sim...
Classroom Ideas for BrainPOP
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
BrainPOP is a great way to introduce a new topic or concept and get kids engaged. To set students up for active viewing, remember to pause the movies and engage kids ...
New Subscribers!
Posted by SM Bruner on
Welcome new subscribers! The content of this page provides useful information about BrainPOP products and the features of your specific subscription type....