
June 21, 2012
This Ideas/Details graphic organizer is perfect for recording important ideas and supporting details from any book or text which is multiple...

Cause and Effect

June 21, 2012
This graphic organizer is helpful for identifying cause and effect relationships. Use it across all subject areas including reading, social ...

GameUp Games Overview Screencast

June 25, 2012
Watch this overview screencast about BrainPOP’s GameUp and discover the amazing games from award-winning partners that we’ve curated for stu...

Describe the Word Learning Strategy

October 21, 2013
In this activity, students use language and logic to describe new vocabulary words. They use higher order thinking skills and also think cre...

Light Lesson Plan: Energy

September 2, 2022
*Click to open and customize your own copy of the Light Lesson Plan. This lesson accompanies the BrainPOP topic Light, and supports the s...

STEM Skills Lesson Plan: STEM to the Rescue!

October 27, 2008
In this STEM Skills lesson plan, adaptable for grades 3-12, students use BrainPOP and other online resources to research a science, engineer...