Teaching with Games – GLPC Case Study: Joel

June 20, 2012
The Joan Ganz Cooney Center released new research from the Games and Learning Publishing Council initiative about teaching with games. They ...

Teaching with Games, GLPC Case Study: Lisa

June 20, 2012
The Joan Ganz Cooney Center released new research from the Games and Learning Publishing Council initiative about teaching with games. They ...

GameUp Games Overview Screencast

June 25, 2012
Watch this overview screencast about BrainPOP’s GameUp and discover the amazing games from award-winning partners that we’ve curated for stu...

Sortify: Basic Adding Discussion Starters

April 20, 2014
Use these Sortify Discussion Starters to help students reflect on their learning during and after the Sortify: Basic Adding game, and expand...

Repeated Addition Background Information for Teachers, Parents and Caregivers

June 18, 2018
This page provides information to support educators and families in teaching K-3 students about repeated addition. It is designed to complem...

Tips for Using the BrainPOP Jr. Belly Up Comic

October 6, 2013
Every BrainPOP Jr. topic page has a Belly Up comic which corresponds with the movie. Here are some fun and creative ways you can use this to...

Basic Subtraction Lesson Plan: Fun With Fact Families

June 5, 2012
In this lesson plan, which is adaptable for grades K through 3, students use BrainPOP Jr. resources to learn how to use a variety of strateg...