NMC Horizon Report 2014 K-12 Edition
Games and Gamification
Time-to-Adoption Horizon: Two to Three Years
"Games and game-based lea...
October 20, 2014
Lori Takeuchi, Ph.D. and Sarah Vaala, Ph.D. conducted a national survey among nearly 700 K-8 teachers. The report revea...
This printable guide provides step-by-step instructions for creating classes for My BrainPOP....
Get your students up and running with a My BrainPOP student account using this handy step guide. Remember, after creating a personal account...
Use this image of a dog show as a written or oral prompt about the movie Old Dog, New Tricks (L2U1L5), which reviews reflexive and object pr...
Write captions and/or sequence the images using ordinal numbers in this storyboard sequencing activity from the movie People Can't Fly (L2U2...
Download a Desalination game brochure, which provides a pre-assessment quiz, science experiment, and background information on the deslanati...
Conducting a Training on BrainPOP? These slides illustrate some of the latest and greatest features on BrainPOP! This includes: Individual...
In pairs, students match the sentence halves, and then put them in the correct sequence according to the movie, in this sequencing sentence ...
Use this sentence strip activity with the movie Looking for Lucky, to practice the past progressive with parallel actions....