In this activity, students learn how compound interest works by comparing monthly interest and credit card balances to gauge how costly maki...
In this activity, students discover the power of compound interest and learn how to avoid costly pitfalls.
Click to download this Reflection Worksheet (plus GamePlay Tips) for Cat Insanity, a multi-round game where students care for cats which qui...
Click to download this Reflection Worksheet (plus Teacher Tips) for Money Magic, a game that challenges students to take on the role of the...
In this activity, students create a PSA warning people to stay away from predatory lenders.
In this activity, students examine details of a payday loan agreement to understand its various components. Then, they answer questions usin...
Click to download this Reflection Worksheet for Shady Sam, a game that challenges students to take on the role of a loan shark, using strate...
Printout and distribute this printable to use with the Computational Thinking Lesson Plan: Pixel Picture Algorithms....
Download this resources packet of teaching strategies and printables to support BrainPOP's Martin Luther King, Jr. topic created by former 5...
Download and distribute this BeastBox activity that invites students to become ecosystem experts....
Students can practice forming the letters B, E, and N with this printable worksheet....
Created by Certified BrainPOP Educator, Robyn McKenney....