Lice Movie Activities for Kids
In this set of activities adaptable for grades K-3, parents and educators will find ideas for teaching about the myths and realities of lice. These activities are designed to complement the BrainPOP Jr. Lice topic page, which includes a movie, quizzes, online games, printable activities, and more.
Classroom Activities for Teaching About Lice
Thinking Hats
Have your students make a top hat out of construction paper. They can take a long rectangular piece of paper and tape or staple it into a tube. Then they can glue a brim around the bottom. Have students decorate their hats and write tips about lice prevention. Discuss tips together such as never sharing hats and helmets with friends and bringing their own pillows to sleepovers. Post the hats in the room so students can see each other’s work, but remind them not to try on other people’s hats!
Site for Parasites
Remind students that lice are parasites, which are plants or animals that live off of other plants or animals to survive. Have students research other common parasites, such as ticks and fleas. Then have them prepare a presentation about a common parasite found in their communities. Students can create posters, slide shows, or mini-books that explain safety tips to protect themselves and their homes against parasites.
School Nurse
Invite your school nurse to talk to your students about lice and how to prevent lice infestations. You may want to prepare questions to ask the school nurse in order to moderate a discussion or have students think of their own questions to ask. If possible, schedule a lice check for your students.
Family and Homeschool Activities for Teaching About Lice
Monthly Lice Check
You can better protect your family and friends with regular lice check-ups. Early elementary students are particularly at risk for lice. Have your child schedule a monthly check-up for the entire family. This is a good opportunity to learn about calendars and time and discuss why organizing time is important. Have your child make a poster or flyer with lice prevention tips and post them in your home or pass them out to family members.
Property of…
Remind your child that he or she should never share hats, helmets, or anything else that goes on their heads. Together label hats, helmets, and hair accessories with your child’s name. You can also make a sleepover kit together that contains a clean comb or brush, personal hair accessories, towel, and small pillow. You can place the items in a bag and put them inside or next to your child’s sleeping bag to take on slumber parties, camping, or traveling.