Grade Levels: K-3

These family and homeschool activities are designed to complement the Types of Sentences topic on BrainPOP Jr.

Sentence Hunt
Read different books, short stories, cookbooks, and newspaper and magazine articles together. Have your child find different types of sentences such as statements, questions, exclamations, and commands in each text. Which kind of writing has more statements? Which kind of writing contains more exclamations? Where is the best place to find commands? Help your child understand that different types of sentences serve different purposes in writing.

So Many Questions
As a fun activity, have a discussion with your child using only questions or exclamations. Pick an activity to do together, such as playing in the park or playing a board game, and use only one type of sentence in your conversation. Challenge your child to come up with creative questions or exclamations and write them down together. Remind your child to use capitalization and the proper punctuation mark. Then discuss how difficult it was to have a discussion using only one type of sentence.