Grade Levels: K-3

These family and homeschool activities are designed to complement the Telling Time to the Hour topic on BrainPOP Jr.

On Schedule

Have your child keep an appointment book to schedule what he or she does at specific hours during the day. For example, your child may want to record the time he or she needs to wake up, when they will eat lunch, and what time they will return home from school. Then make an analog clock together by using paper plates, construction paper, crayons, and a brass brad to attach the hands. Set this clock to remind your child about a specific activity. For example, you or your child can set the clock to 7:00 as a reminder that this is the time to wake up. If possible, display different handmade clocks around the house and change them to suit you and your child’s needs.

Story Time

Together with your child, make up stories that use time and have your child write down each time, draw pictures of an analog clock to show the time, or move the hour and minute hands of an analog clock to show the time. For example, you can tell a story about a rooster that cock-a-doodle-doos at six o’clock in the morning and then at twelve o’clock in the afternoon and then again at seven o’clock in the evening. Your child can show the times and then make up stories of his or her own.

Daytime, Night Time

Have your child write about activities that she or he does during the day. What time does your child go to school? What time does your child have recess? What time does your child have lunch? Then have your child take the times and think about what they do at the same time at night. For example, if your child goes to school at 8:00 in the morning, what does your child do at 8:00 at night? Have your child write a chart describing daytime and nighttime events. She or he can decorate the chart with illustrations.

Filed as:  K-3, Math, Time, Time to the Hour