Adding With Moby Lesson Plan: Understanding Basic Addition
Submitted by: Donna Andrews
Grade Levels: K-3
In this multi-day lesson plan for grade K through 3, students use a BrainPOP Jr. movie, graphic organizer, and flip chart to deepen their understanding of basic addition and mathematical thinking skills.
Students will:
- Understand basic addition
- Create and solve addition problems
- Develop and/or reinforce addition and mathematical thinking skills
- Access to BrainPOP Jr. Basic Addition movie
- Chart paper
- KWL Graphic Organizer from BrainPOP Educators
- ACTIVotes (or student response systems)
- Different colored paper for paper cranes
- Chart paper, number line, markers
add; sum; double; tally chart
Pass out different colored sheets to students. Play a short video explaining how to make paper cranes. Have students make a variety of paper cranes.Lesson Procedure:
- Day 1: Have students list what they know about addition including the different ways to add using the BrainPOP KWL Graphic Organizer.
- Watch the BrainPOP Jr. Basic Addition movie, pausing to discuss throughout.
- Have students group their cranes by color and count the total. Students record their color total on a paper chart.
- Day 2: Review the vocabulary with the BrainPOP Jr. Word Play.
- Have students use the ACTIVotes or computers to take BrainPOP Jr.'s Easy Quiz.
- Students then use the flipchart tally chart or a tally chart drawn on chart paper to chart the color of their cranes. Students can then create number sentences for their colored cranes.
- Day 3: Review the tally chart and number sentences from the day before.
- Group students into two teams and time the groups on their speed and accuracy for the definitions of the vocabulary words.
- Display the next flipchart page with the number line and have students recall the clip from the Basic Addition movie about how to use the number line to add.
- Students then use their addition sentences to find the sum of their cranes.
- Day 4: Have students take turns completing the BrainPOP Jr. Picture Maker Addition Stories.
- Present crane addition problems to students and have them solve using strategies they've learned, such as adding with 10, doubles, counting on, and fact family strategies.
- Day 5: Watch the Basic Addition movie again, pausing at the prompts for discussion. Students use the ACTIVpen to annotate over the desktop to answer each question posed.
- Use the ACTIVotes to assess students understanding on BrainPOP Jr.'s Hard Quiz.
- Use the Talk About It feature as a final assessment, and have students explain how they could use a variety of strategies to solve basic addition problems.
Filed as:
Adding and Subtracting Tens, Addition and Subtraction, Basic Adding, CCSS.Math.Content.1.NBT.A.1, CCSS.Math.Content.1.NBT.B.2, CCSS.Math.Content.1.NBT.C.4, CCSS.Math.Content.2.NBT.B.5, Counting On, Doubles, K-3, Making Ten, Math, Repeated Addition