Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality.
Counting Back Lesson Plan: Operations and Algebraic Thinking
Posted by steviep on
*Click to open and customize your own copy of the Counting Back Lesson Plan.
This lesson accompanies the BrainPOP Jr. topic Counting Back. It supports the standard of using addition and subtraction...
Nonstandard Measurement Lesson Plan: Step-by-Step
Posted by jglassman on
In this lesson plan, adaptable for grades K-3, students explore BrainPOP Jr. resources to learn how to measure length, width, and height with nonstandard units, such as paper clips or pencils. To appl...
Programming Lesson Plan: Run Marco! Game
Posted by SM Bruner on
In this lesson plan which is adaptable for grades 1-8, students use BrainPOP resources (including an online game) to explore computer coding, algorithms, and programming....
Math Skills Lesson Plan: It’s All Fun and Games
Posted by SM Bruner on
In this math skills lesson plan, which is adaptable for grades 3-12, students work collaboratively to research selected math skills. Students then create, play, and assess a math game that is designed...