Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., quantitative data, video, multimedia) in order to address a question or solve a problem.
Cell Division Process Lesson Plan: Control of the Cell Cycle Game
Posted by jglassman on
This lesson plan, adaptable for grades 3-8, challenges students to use what they know about cell division to play a game in which they control cell division from inside a cell’s nucleus. They must mak...
Wildfires Lesson Plan: Identifying Cause and Effect
Posted by jglassman on
In this lesson plan, adaptable for grades 3-12, students watch the BrainPOP movie Wildfires to discover what causes wildfires and both their negative and positive effects. Next, they will apply their ...
Fighting Off Infection Lesson Plan: Immune System Defender Game
Posted by jglassman on
This lesson plan, adaptable for grades 5-12, challenges students to use what they know and explore the immune system by playing a game in which they keep an infection from invading a body. The first m...
George Washington Carver Lesson Plan: Identifying Problem and Solution
Posted by jglassman on
In this lesson plan, adaptable for grades 3-12, students explore BrainPOP resources to learn about the world-famous botanist George Washington Carver and how his ideas and inventions solved a range of...
Observational Skills and Spectrogram Lesson Plan: Bird Song Hero Game
Posted by SM Bruner on
In this Bird Song Hero lesson plan which is adaptable for grades 2-8, students use their observational skills to match each bird song to its corresponding spectrogram (a visual representation of the s...
Desalination Game Lesson Plan
Posted by SM Bruner on
In this lesson plan which is adaptable for grades 4-12, students work collaboratively to explore a challenging puzzle game which simulates a desalination machine....
Virtual Labs: Adjusting pH of Food Lesson Plan
Posted by SM Bruner on
This lesson plan accompanies Virtual Labs: Adjusting pH of Food, which is adaptable for grades 6-12. This interactive lab familiarizes students with food science lab equipment and teaches standard tec...
Computer Coding Lesson Plan: Blockly Maze Game
Posted by SM Bruner on
In this lesson plan which is adaptable for grades 3-12, students use BrainPOP resources (including an online game) to explore computer coding, algorithms, and programming...
Logo Programming Game Lesson Plan: Turtle Academy
Posted by SM Bruner on
In this logo programming game lesson plan, which is adaptable for grades 3-8, students use BrainPOP resources (including the Turtle Academy online programming game) to explore the popular computer pro...
Creative Programming Lesson Plan: 15 Blocks Game
Posted by SM Bruner on
In this lesson plan which is adaptable for grades 3-12, students use BrainPOP resources (including an online game) to learn about creative programming. Through the game Tynker: 15 Blocks Challenge, st...