Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary describing political, social, or economic aspects of history/social science.

Mission US: A Cheyenne Odyssey – Social Studies Lesson Plan

Posted by SM Bruner on

In this social studies lesson plan, which is adaptable for grades 5-9, students will use BrainPOP resources (including a Cheyenne Odyssey online game) to explore how the lives of the Cheyenne American...

Applying the Law Lesson Plan: Your Bill of Rights Game

Posted by jglassman on

In this lesson plan, adaptable for grades 5-12, students play a game called Your Bill of Rights, in which they run a law firm specializing in cases pertaining to the Bill of Rights. They challenge is ...

Persuade a Jury: We the Jury Game

Posted by jglassman on

In this lesson plan, adaptable for grades 5-12, students play a game called We the Jury, in which they take on the role of a juror in a civil case. Their challenge is to analyze the evidence and use i...

Run a County Lesson Plan: Counties Work Game

Posted by jglassman on

In this lesson plan, adaptable for grades 5-12, students play a game called Counties Work, in which they play the role of county official, helping fellow citizens while managing taxes and local emerge...

Parliamentary System Lesson Plan: Determining a Government for a New Country

Posted by jglassman on

In this lesson plan, adaptable for grades 6-12, students explore BrainPOP resources to discover what a parliamentary system of government is and how it compares and contrasts with the system of govern...

From Primary to General Election Lesson Plan: Win the White House

Posted by jglassman on

In this lesson plan, adaptable for grades 5-12, students first watch the movie Presidential Election and then play Win the White House. The game invites students to take on the role of a presidential ...

Election Prediction Lesson Plan: Voters Ed Trial Edition

Posted by jglassman on

This lesson plan, adaptable for grades 3-12, is built around Voters Ed: Trial Edition, an interactive designed to help students better understand the presidential election process. After watching a Br...

The Popular Vote vs. the Electoral Vote: Voters Ed Trial Edition

Posted by jglassman on

This lesson plan, adaptable for grades 3-12, is built around Voters Ed: Trial Edition, an interactive designed to help students better understand the presidential election process. The objective of th...

Wangari Maathai Lesson Plan: Write and Deliver a Persuasive Speech

Posted by jglassman on

In this lesson plan, adaptable for grades 3-12, students explore BrainPOP resources to learn about Wangari Maathai, a global leader for women’s rights and conservation. Using what they learn about the...

Malala Lesson Plan: Write a Speech Awarding the Nobel Peace Prize

Posted by jglassman on

In this lesson plan, adaptable for grades 3-12, students explore BrainPOP resources to learn about Malala, human rights activist and youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. Students use what they...