Medicine Movie Activities for Kids
In this set of activities adaptable for grades K-3, parents and educators will find ideas for teaching about safe and responsible use of medicine and doctor-prescribed treatments. The activities are designed to complement the BrainPOP Jr. medicine topic page, which includes a movie, quizzes, online games, printable activities, and more.
Classroom Activities for Teaching About Medicine
Public Service Announcement
If possible, divide your students into small groups and have them write, produce, direct, and film public service announcements about taking medicine safely. Groups can share their films with the class. If video cameras are not available, groups can perform skits in front of their classmates. You may wish to have a class discussion and brainstorm session about medicine and how to take them safely and effectively.
Medicine Collage
Medicine can come in many different forms. Have students look in magazines and newspapers to find examples of different medicines. They may find tablets, syrups, sprays, drops, and more. Students can cut out pictures to make a collage. Invite them to present their collages and describe what they found in their research. Discuss with students why there may be so many different forms of medicine.
Emergency File
Explain to students communication is important when they are sick. They should tell a parent, teacher, or caretaker when they are not feeling well. Have students fill out index cards with their contact information. They should also add an emergency contact such as a parent or neighbor. On the back of their cards, students should write medication and food that they are allergic to. Have volunteers discuss their allergies and what happens to them during a reaction. What medicines can they take to feel better? Keep the cards in a recipe box so that students can use it in case of emergencies.
Family and Homeschool Activities for Teaching About Medicine
Medicine Alert
Next time your child is sick, create a schedule and reminder system for taking medicine. You may want to draw a calendar or use an appointment book and highlight the day and time your child should take his or her medicine. Teach your child how to set an alarm clock or wristwatch to remind him or herself about taking medication. Explain the importance of taking the medicine the same time each day and following directions. If the medicine should be taken with food, then find a consistent time when your child will be having a meal, such as lunch. Practicing good medicine habits now will help your child be more responsible for his or her own health.
Health Diary
Have your child start a diary about his or her health. What did he or she eat today? What physical exercise did he or she do? Encourage your child to write about how his or her body feels and comment on energy level and general mood. When your child is sick, have him or her describe symptoms and the medicines he or she is taking. Your child should discuss what medication they took, when he or she took it, and how it improved or worsened symptoms. How long did it take for the medicine to work? How long did it take for your child to heal? A health diary will enable your child to make better choices and take better care of him or herself.