What’s New at BrainPOP: June Recap
Posted by jglassman on
School may be out for summer, but BrainPOP is still hard at work!
Anne Frank UPDATE
Learn about Anne Frank’s life in hiding during the Holocaust, and how her diary revealed an ordinary teenager expressing both fear and hope for the future.
Who fought in World War II and what was it all about? Press PLAY to discover everything from Hitler’s aggression to how the war began and more.
BrainPOP Jr.
Grasslands NEW
Home, home on the range! Join Moby and Annie as they explore prairies and tropical savannas—two types of grassland habitats.
Nonstandard Measurement NEW
Discover how to measure length, width, and height without a ruler!
Newsela Update
Due to Newsela’s change in their free product, their articles will neither be linked to on BrainPOP nor will they appear in existing Assignments. Read our blog post exploring the many other ways BrainPOP integrates reading across the curriculum.
5-Minute Tea with CBE Jeannine Freeman
Live from ISTE 2019, our June CBE of the Month shares strategies for creating professional development experiences with BrainPOP, including ideas for differentiation in the classroom.
Summer PD
With school out for summer, take time to explore BrainPOP’s PD resources, from a 101 course to workshop materials, and more!
BrainPOP Summer Activity Packets
Summer is here! Avoid the dreaded summer slide by sharing BrainPOP’s summer learning packets with your students’ families—featuring reading, math, writing, and physical fitness. Remind families that with your school’s subscription, they have FREE access at home!